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"Unable to find you in an active FSOpen session"...
Chi Ioi Fong

5th Jan 2015
Every time I try to use Flight Strips to open a tower at an airport, it throws this error on start:

"Unable to find you in an active fsopen session. Make sure you are in a session and you may need to wait 1 minute after joining before starting flightstrips."

Any tips?

Dave Wave
United Kingdom

5th Jan 2015
1. Be in a session.
2. Turn off any proxy server you might be using.
Chi Ioi Fong

7th Jan 2015
1. I am in a session. For over 5 minutes. As an ATC Tower.
2. I don't use any proxy servers.
Chi Ioi Fong

7th Jan 2015
Or rather, I HAVE been in a session.
Dave Wave
United Kingdom

7th Jan 2015
Check with the admin on a server that your ip address for fsx matches the same as shown by
Chi Ioi Fong

10th Jan 2015
Okay, looks like I found the culprit...

"" is showing me this IP address:

An admin on the server (finally got one that was free) gave me this IP address:

As you can see, they don't match!

What can I do to fix this?

PS. According to the flag under my name on the forums, my country isn't showing up right. That's not the flag of my country.
Luke Crozier

11th Jan 2015
I have the same thing. Somebody said today it may have to do with a dynamic IP. I think if you just related the online check to the username instead of the IP address and then put a timer on a valid login or something so that you have to login to fsx and flight strips around the same time (to stop problems with people using the same username on different servers). I suppose this message is to anybody that reads it that had anything to do with the creating of flight strips. I was able to login to pilot assistant. I love all the software you guys make.
Thanks in advance. BlackIce.
Dave Wave
United Kingdom

11th Jan 2015
OK, I have looked at this, I think the problem could become more common as the world runs out of ip addresses.

Version 1.74 will now log you on providing you use the same id in fsx as you logon to fsopen. e.g. if your userid for fsopen.

If your ip is matched however you can carry on as before.
Dave Wave
United Kingdom

11th Jan 2015
Also your country flag should now be correct
Luke Crozier

12th Jan 2015
It works! Thank you so much for your help!

Chi Ioi Fong

17th Jan 2015
Thanks! Flight Strips is finally working, and my FSOpen flag is correct! One final request - could you apply the same ID fix to Pilot Assistant? It's not as urgent as the fix for Flight Strips was, but it would be greatly appreciated if you could get it to work as well.
Dave Wave
United Kingdom

17th Jan 2015
I will look at pilot assistant and see if it is possible.

You can use chat to make a flightplan with !f
Chi Ioi Fong

18th Jan 2015
I know "!f" files flight plans in FSX chat; it's just more convenient to file flight plans via Pilot Assistant because of the GUI as well as the ability for ATC to see your skill level.

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