FSX enhancements and add ons

Flight simulator is great. Flying on line is even better.
These pages contain some tips and some downloadable upgrades that make the experience even better.

Call Signs
Downloadable list of real world airlines and call signs so ATC will see you listed correctly on radar.

Squawk Ident
Aircraft in FSX do not replicate their transponder (squawk) codes to other users. This small add on fixes the problem and also adds the functionality to squawk ident.

737 QNH upgrade
A very small change to the cockpit so pressure settings are displayed in millibars not inches of mercury.

ATC Control tower upgrade
A major upgrade to the standard tower which now includes.

  • Fix to stop radar screen hanging
  • Toggle QNH/QFE and altimeter
  • 16 planes listed instead of 8
  • Highlights planes squawking ident

  • FSOpen Server
    If you run FSX sessions use this tool to manage what you allow users to do and give them hop lists etc.
    Software will kick players who will crash your server. (On purpose or not)
    Use this to enable pilot assistant and flight strips in your multiplayer session.
    Also allows you to add tracking features into your own web site.
    Requires you to have pilot assistant first.

    Pilot Assistant
    Gives the pilot a graphical interface and route planner for any session running FSOpen hosting software. Includes a free weather engine.

    Flight Strips
    Any pilot in your FSOpen hosted game will have a flight strip created in this application. Makes it easy for anyone doing ATC to remember who's doing what.
    With 2 or more people using this on the same session you can pass flight strips to other controllers as you hand planes over just like real life.
    Requires you to have pilot assistant first.

    Open Clouds (Real weather engine)
    A replacement real world weather engine for fsx. Features;

  • Prevents gaps in the weather seen in fsx
  • Stops fog appearing from nowhere
  • Limited visibility mode stops you seeing the end of the world!
  • High cloud generation
  • Very simple to use
  • Open Clouds is free for UK airports. Global coverage is subject to a subscription fee.

    Click on the menu to the left to navigate.

    Any comments about it please email me at davewave@fsopen.co.uk

    No politics, just flying
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