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Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

18th Oct 2014
It would seem that the above server does not take kindly to people who would stand up for themselves, in that i went through all the procedures involved for taking their ATC exam and eventually passed and again went through the process of awaiting approval and i went along with them and conformed to their way of thinking, but it seems that individuality is not encouraged within their ranks. All i can say is that i don't like bullies and fsxeurope were certainly never going to bully me, what a sad server it is, that after i beat the bully boys they permanently banned me. Thank you guys, you did me a favour, only i also posted these comments on their forum only too see that it has been deleted. So, anyone reading this message please be aware that the title server name does not do what it says on the tin.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
19th Oct 2014
Cant beat a good BOWF Colin!
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

19th Oct 2014
Ha ha mate, i really miss those gamespy days.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

19th Oct 2014
Colin was primarily banned for promoting other projects on the server which is against the rules of FSXEU. We have links to the FSOpen network which is quite sufficient increase the longevity of FSOpen.

We cannot accept users onto our server that promote other projects, thereby stealing or attempting to steal our users.

He was further removed from the official ATC list for not providing service to all departments within FSXEU which we expect all our ATCs to be capable of and willing to do.

All our new ATCs are 'Awaiting Approval' which means you can be removed at any point without further recourse. This is to maintain good quality ATC who can cope with numbers and the various departments.

ATCs who refuse to service military aircraft or who get too overwhelmed with only three aircraft are not suitable material for this server - especially the 'Awaiting Approvals'.

You state: "individuality is not encouraged within their ranks"

For the safety of aircraft in the air, I would imagine this be true in real life ATC.

Tim Walters
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

20th Oct 2014
Re- your comments Tim i won't dignify your reply with an answer but i never met you in your server and i can only agree with henrique whom you also banned and he was the ATC Manager in that he realised as well how bad the server is in treating people, also you did not respond as to why my comments have been removed from your forum. In essence you have been found out how you treat decent people who after all want to enjoy on line flight or ATC, Just one other point i noticed that you have changed your name, is that because Henrique left?Did you read Henriques letter to the server owner, i did it makes for interesting reading.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

20th Oct 2014
I WILL qualify your comments with an answer:

I changed my name temporarily on TeamSpeak to ensure that the owner would have the free time in which to rehome himself (still in progress!) and the server and not have to worry about constant questions from our members during the process. I hope you can understand that.

Regarding your suggestion that you never met me on the server, I can assure you that, according to our logs, you serviced my aircraft a number of times.

Your forum comments were removed by the server owner, I cannot speak for him, but from reading this thread, I can sympathise.

May I remind everyone concerned that we are ALL volunteers here. We are ALL providing a free service and we don't get paid for this. Users are welcome to voice their opinions, but we will not be forced by ANYONE into taking decisions we feel will be detrimental to the communities asset in the long term. Sadly, some people just cannot take 'No' for an answer.

I will end by quoting Mr Wave;

"No Politics, just flying."

Tim Walters
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

20th Oct 2014
Thanks Tim for taking the time to reply to my comments above,I'm sure that your a decent guy and your defence of the server that you use is based on your experience. My comments which i stand by are based on my experience, i take it then you did not recieve a copy of Thomas Henriques letter which was sent to the owner, as Thomas was the ATC Manager until recently i valued his opinion as i,m sure you have done in the past, like you i will now draw a line re- the above mentioned server, except to say Thomas' comments re- you were less than complimentary, which would be unprofessional of me to repeat on here. Thanks again for your post.
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

24th Oct 2014
I could have saved you the trouble and told you what they are like Colin. Unless you suck up to the bigwigs and make them feel like gods, it won't be long until you are removed from their session.

As you know, we are in the middle of setting up a new server. We are just working on getting the website up to scratch and then we will be back :)

As a regular on our old Server, Colin was an absolute gent. He could capably manage with a heavy load of traffic. He never used to like military aircraft within his airspace for the simple reason, predominantly on these servers, young pilots fly them. They usually have no regard for air law and therefore break many rules. Colin was always happy to accept military aircraft with us when he A) Knew who was flying them and B) was asked permission, which he is well within his rights to do.

It is absolutely ridiculous the approach you guys at FSXE make towards people, FSX is a game which is there to be enjoyed by all... I'm guessing some people have no girlfriend nor friends so therefore have to spend all their spare time on this GAME. Relax, have a better attitude and maybe the mature, grown up people will have more respect for you as a server.

Colin, we will see you soon my friend
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
25th Oct 2014
Very well put David,I have known Colin for a number of years now and he is certainly very good at controlling.You only have to look at the rules on the FSXE website to see what a bunch of dictators are running the show,Don't do this Don't do that,I reckon if you farted you would be kicked!Looking forward to your new server up and running soon
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

25th Oct 2014
FSXEurope have a good website and have a system set up. But, take a look at Tesco at this moment in time.. An absolutely massive company with their fingers in so many pies, but getting so much negative press and losing so much money on the stock market because of incompetent staff at the highest levels. Obviously the two organisations are completely incomparable but my point being, you can have a brilliant setup but still be unsuccessful.

I'd never even think about going on their server to fly or control because I know what they are like, but they have the potential to be one of the best servers out there.. But, they need a few man-management classes before, There are so many servers on FSOpen to which I respect so much, MSFlights, Real FSX (before the went down), UK317 and FSFlyboys to name just a few. Each one of them I can say I've not heard a bad thing about! And that is all about management! At the end of the day, it is a game. That is it!

Gary, hopefully it wont be too long now. I'm just waiting for my web developer to sort the website out and then we'll be live. We are taking a turn from FSXWorldwide, ditching that brand completely, we are now only having a Virtual Airline Approach, Worldwide Airline. We'll have an FSOpen server and also be affiliated with VATSIM, as we have members within our ranks which prefer either one or the other. My little girl is due in a few weeks so the whole process has slowed down a little of late.

I Look forward to seeing you mate :) If you want to be updated regularly, our website is I personally want to distance myself from the politics of FSOpen and simply be a server sat in the backround, collecting our members by word of mouth rather than session listing :)

Speak to you soon my friend
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
25th Oct 2014
Maybe Tim Walters should change his name to Tim Nice but Dim!
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

26th Oct 2014
I will ask Mr Wave if he would to remove this thread as it appears, for no reason, that personal attacks have become the order of the day.


Tim Walters
Supporting the principal: "No politics - just flying."
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

27th Oct 2014

There has been no personal attack from my end. A forum is a place to share opinions, views and ideas amongst other things. That's all I have done.

Maybe if you guys treated people better, there'd be no need for the negativity? Just a thought :)
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

27th Oct 2014
I agree David, no personal attack from your end and I thank you for that. Sadly, some users are not in the same camp.

As I stated very early on in this thread, the primary reason for the ban was the promotion of other projects. I don't suppose you would be too impressed if I came onto your server with a public whisper advertising FSXEU.COM.

In retrospect Mr Wave, deleting the offending users post (3x above) would be sufficient as this thread is somewhat useful for raising our profile.


Geoff Server
United Kingdom

27th Oct 2014
A thought for this thread:
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

27th Oct 2014
It was never my intention that personal attacks might happen after my original comments, but Tim you have to take some of the responsibility when you clearly were caught out telling lies as to why i was banned,i have tried to distance myself from your comments when you accused me of promoting other servers, so lets rewind here, i went into your server to say goodbye to some of the decent people still left, when i was asked where i was going, all i did was answer a question.
Answer me this Tim, why was the ATC Manager permanently banned as well, was he promoting also, or did he just tell you the truth which obviously is alien to you. Also why do you want this thread deleted, are you also wanting to suppress opinion in here as well. Tim a word of advice go back to your server and let the big boys have their say.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

27th Oct 2014
Hi Colin

No offence taken sir, it was not your doing.

I cannot understand why you were saying I was lying as you have just confirmed the reason I banned you by your response above. The users in channel at the time were not regular users as this was in the morning and our regular users are on the server in the evenings.

The ATC Manager resigned as he was trying to make policy changes unnecessarily. Those policy changes were unnecessary as the FSOpen software already provides the facility of pilot rankings through PilotAssistant.

As I have stated before in this thread - some people cannot take 'No' for an answer, so he decided to resign from the Managers position.

I did not ban the Manager, but the email subsequently sent to the owner resulted in a ban BY the owner.

Thread deletion not necessary - ALSO as previously stated.

The saga continues...
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
Tim, i can only assume that you are in denial here, it would seem that you are right and everybody else is wrong,that is your choice.Whether or not you are the official voice for the above server or not matters not a jot,if your happy with the negative comments posted by other users above, then that says more about you than than anyone else.

Happy flying
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
28th Oct 2014

Check this out
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
I am happy with the factual responses in what is an open public forum. Neither I, or the server, has anything to be ashamed of in attempting to address and clarify the questions and concerns posed by the original poster.

In response to Mr Bartlam's quote: (apologies for the delay David as I like to tackle one thing at a time)

"He never used to like military aircraft within his airspace for the simple reason, predominantly on these servers, young pilots fly them. They usually have no regard for air law and therefore break many rules. Colin was always happy to accept military aircraft with us when he A) Knew who was flying them and B) was asked permission, which he is well within his rights to do."

In response:

The server had been criticised for having too many rules on this thread. These rules are there for a reason, and not just to fill up the website.

The ETF (European Task Force) has similar rules which are enforced to ensure that military aircraft follow the air laws as follows:

They should be over 16.
They must complete an extensive entry exam before being listed.
They must undergo training to be ranked up in the system.
They must set an appropriate Squawk.
They must file an accurate flight plan, stating their intentions.

Then, and only then, are they allowed to fly military aircraft as part of the Task Force in controlled airspace.

I hope you can understand that a pilot who has gone through this training will be somewhat taken aback when an ATC refuses them service.

Unfortunately, for Colin, he chose to deny service to the ETF Manager.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
28th Oct 2014
This is better than Coronation street!Hey Tim maybe the ETF Manager was being a total Prat,who is he anyway Royalty or something similar?FSX is a hobby to most not War Games.
Chris Pringle
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
As soon as you said denial. 2:32
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
Hi Gary

Since you have actually asked a question, I will reply.

The ETF Manager can be contacted by following the link:

FSX IS indeed, a hobby, and the military part of aviation is what some servers on the FSOpen network are entirely based upon.

As in real life, non responsive aircraft are intercepted by the military.

This is one of the many facets of the ETF here at FSXEU.COM - to assist ATCs when non responsive aircraft enter their controlled airspace by intercepting and then removing them.
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
Tim, my comments as i said before were based on my experience, let me give you an example, i will try to make this simple so even you will understand. your military guys refused to follow atc instructions, one of them even wanted to do an emergency landing while a civilian aircraft was on a four mile final,Tim this going to be my last comment on the matter,please continue with the medication and we all wish you a full recovery.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
28th Oct 2014
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
This will hopefully be my last comment on the thread also.

The approved ATCs at FSXEU.COM take emergencies very seriously. I assume you had not had the training, as you will likely have had a divert airport available, thereby making the MAYDAY aircraft only a minor niggle.

I will not apologise for the user who declared an emergency whilst you had an aircraft on short final as emergencies are, by their nature, unpredictable and unexpected. Once again, a trained ATC will be able to deal with it without any problems.

We have been commended many times for providing as realistic an airport as is possible within the confines of the FSX software and we train our ATCs on how to handle emergencies correctly.

We ask our pilots to complete the paperwork if and when they do declare a MAYDAY or PANPAN - details of which can be found by visiting - though some of the reports are somewhat poor in their content as we are an international server where a significant majority of our users do not speak English natively.

We ask that the paperwork is completed for two reasons:

1. To add extra content to the website, thus increasing our footprint on the search engines.

2. To reduce the number of fake distress calls and timewasters.

Some here would say this is yet another rule we enforce. As with all our rules, they are there for a reason. We wish we could make it simpler, but aviation and human nature is anything but simple!

For information, the *#%#£!& medication works just #£!&** fine! ;-)

Thank you for the debate gentlemen.

Tim Walters
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
28th Oct 2014

Tim i must say following this thread has given me a good laugh in fact i nearly pissed myself a couple of times,have you ever thought of getting back on TV.
Thomas Bewick
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
So Tim can you explain to me how are are you are not promoting? Because in my eyes it looks as if you come on here and now you're promoting all your rules to us? So in my opinion I think you should be banned forever!!
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

28th Oct 2014
Hi Thomas

How profoundly astute if you sir. I wondered how long it would take for someone to notice that I have started promoting FSXEU.COM on a seemingly very popular thread.

Sadly, your assertion is misplaced as this is the FSOpen forum and it says nowhere in the forum rules that we are not allowed to promote projects. (It's OK David, it seems you CAN promote Worldwide Airline - Phew!)

For those not into reading or not capable of reading them - I will give you a brief overview of the FSOpen network forum rules below:

"          ".
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
29th Oct 2014
Tim i have just watched your u tube clip and just managed to stay awake,for someone who refers to the real world so many times i would of thought you could have changed the runway heading numbers at st Martin to what they are in the real world 10 and 28.They changed from 09 27 late 2008.Do you not know how to do that in FSX it is simple.Google it and you will see what i mean.I see on your pilot ranking that you have not yet reached a level where you are able to fly sids and stars,once David is up and running again maybe you should pop in sometime and one of us will give you a lesson.Oh nearly forgot when was the last time you saw a hot air balloon or a blimp flying over an active runway, you should have called up the air force and took em down
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014
I was always aware of the fact that promotion of other virtual servers and airlines is allowed... I'm rather up to speed with the FSOpen rules and regulations :)

I won't be promoting my airline via these forums intentionally, there is absolutely no need to, you've just done it for me :)

Also referring to Gary's comments above, you are more than welcome to come to us to get some training from the selection of real world pilots (i mean commercial, not just PPL etc). Feel free to send me an email and we will sort something out, alternatively you can visit our Teamspeak. If you'd really like to, you can even join our airline ;) sorry, couldn't resisit advertising that again!!

Tim Walters
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014
Hi Gary

The film director and the Airline Director insisted that only Euphoria aircraft be shown in the video. At great expense to the airline, we secured the airport for 6 hours to allow the film crew to get their footage of the whole fleet (since extended), so the blimp was there with express permission from the Airport Facilities Director (Agustus Barthélemy) at TNCM. It seems it happens fairly regularly at special events. For information, the runway was not active at the time and the airship over the runway. Take the time to use Google with the keywords: 'blimp above airport'.

FSXEU.COM have special airport scenery available for the airship in Belgium with ground crew and an extra big hangar! It can be downloaded using the FSXEU.COM Service Pack Updater.

The runway identifier issue is more of a technical problem. I would have preferred to do the video with the FlyTampa (advertising again) scenery, but this was the first video I have ever made with FSX and my capture rates struggled somewhat even at the basic settings! I have since upgraded the video card so if I ever get time to do another it should be better with the frame rates and scenery. As this was created on my development system, I prefer to keep it as close to stock so I don't push out something unintentionally to our users that might be copyrighted using the FSXEU.COM Service Pack Updater -

I agree with the SIDs/STARs ranking - I am capable, but not confident. I rank myself accordingly - something many do not do, but we do encourage it so the ATCs can give appropriate service to the pilot.

The ETF were too busy protecting the airspace around the airport from press intrusion to take down an airship that already had permission to be there.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
29th Oct 2014
Tim are you not aware that you do not need to buy add on scenery to update runway identifiers you simply update the afcad file that are available at Avsim,also update your magdec bgl files that allow for correct magnetic variation then your airports will be just like the real world.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014
I am aware of that, thank you. However, as stated, I need to keep my development system clean and as a 'standard' install. I only mentioned FlyTampa as it was an option - until the frame rates got hit.

The video is to show our users the €uphoria fleet, the accuracy of the runway designators were a very low priority.

I am sure other users here will appreciate those links.

Thanks again.
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014

Looking at this post, It looks like you want to run things at the highest levels of realism on your server, so why haven't you had time to make a new promo video.

As most advertisements are meant to entice people, and that video is certainly not enticing. Actually that's not fair of me. It would probably look good to people who are unsighted.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014
Hi Zack!

I have not had time as I have just completed another project for EGHC - the European Gliding High Club - - this concept still needs further testing and very possibly MORE rules to ensure pilots are familiar with how gliders need to interact with ATCs and vice versa.

I have several other developments in progress which have priority - as well as maintaining the existing departments, hardware, software, databases and connectivity for the community here at FSXEU.COM

Improving the video will not increase the realism for those on the server.

Again, VERY low priority.

If we listened to every minor niggle then nothing productive would ever get done.
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014
I Couldn't agree less I think advertisement is key to any business or hobby. Also I have flown in your server on a couple of occasions ,and it always seems to be full of pre-pubescent children. So I can't imagine why you would put in all this effort in to make it realistic when your membership consists of 80% kids. Also just a question do you have any formal qualifications, not nit-picking just a genuine question, to make a gliding club or ATC club and if not how are you going to give it that touch of perfection you're looking for?
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014
Through time, patience, negotiation with our other managers and... I guess... more rules...

As I have already stated on this thread, we are limited by the confines of the FSX software so it will never be perfect.

I have no idea what percentage of our user base is under 18. We welcome anyone, at any age, providing they use the server for what it is intended.

The manager of EHGC is a qualified glider pilot. You can see his excellent video here:

Tim Walters BA(Hons), SAC Dip.
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

29th Oct 2014
Was just curious. Like I said before not nitpicking, I was being genuine.

Thanks for the speedy reply,

Zack Iddo BEng(Hons),RAeS.
Caolan Smith
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
I would like to add about the management... I gave some Constructive criticism to an Manager and He kicked and gave me an ASBO.. This clearly shows how underdeveloped the management is.. I would like a full explanation why this was given to me... This server has been going downhill with this new management
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
An ASBO! You could not make this up.i don't suppose the manager in question was our old m8 Tim Nice But Dim?
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Hi Caolan

I have contacted the two managers concerned for a further FULL explanation.


Lukas Smith

30th Oct 2014
Its a great server lads whats all the fuss about :D I just can't wait for the day when i get admin i will moderate the server and help everyone out as much as i can im usually on 24/7 :D

Kind Regaurds

A True Legend

Lukas Smith
Lukas Smith

30th Oct 2014
This server is the one that offers the most out there i really enjoy all the departements and stuff events etc I also feel like Tim is being attacked here on this forum :D

Collin just because you got banned Doesn’t mean you have to try to give us a bad name :D just think about it logically , every one is Responsible for their own actions

as for the server I feel that it would grow Tremendously if there was some sort of consultation with the users/community when immplementing changes this would bennefit every one in my opinion i know that alot of users are upset about the resent changes , but i guess we cant do nothing about it who knows maby its for the better.

But anyway i would suggest making Moderators for the server to keep control when the managment is busy and perhaps ADD A VOTE/POLL on the FSXEU.COM home page so instead of making changing ass the managment we could make these changes as a community,

thank you for your time im not being rude or anything just a suggestion

The Legendary Legend

Lukas Smith
Dave Wave
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
The great thing about having lots of multiplayer sessions to choose from is you choose one or more to fly in that best suits you. If it doesn't, then don't.

If you don't like any then start your own, but please don't come on here slagging of other servers as it's not what FSopen is about. All servers benefit from having a variety of sessions, so by insulting one you are having a negative impact on the ones that you like. Just remember that please.

PS, I spent a week sailing with someone this year, turns out they were a 737 pilot and a competitive glider for hobbies.
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
I agree with Dave in the sense that I disagree with attacking people on a personal basis....

That said, when people are removed from sessions and do not agree with the decision taken by the server management, especially at Europe, the only place to question it is via this forum. I know that from my own experience, certain admin members of this community are completely unapproachable.I think that a public forum like here, discuss things that affect people is the right way to go simply because the negativity will hopefully reach the right people and they will be forced to face an issue that they thought would be easier to ignore.

As I said in my earliest of posts and what has been rather highlighted on this topic, Europe offers a lot and could be the best server out there. You only have to look at the website to see they are completely dedicated to the cause, which if I am correct in saying, Tim is the main person behind all this.

My one word of warning to you, and from experience is if that you are going to do so much work for a server like Europe, with the server owners reputation, I'd recommend you going alone. Myself and a friend helped the server owner quite some time ago to set up the ATC and pilot training... Once our work was done, we were removed from the team and from the community. What I'd say to you is be careful. I think you'd do well with a server of your own personally
Caolan Smith
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
This server is a dictator ship I'd like to highlight one admin in particular Garret.. He has now furthered banned me from the server for saying I like something.....?? Yes I said I liked a new tag he gave me and I got banned from it, as we can see this server used to be a large community but when this new management came in it has been declined and IM HAPPY FOR IT.. This server deserves to see people leave and I hope every single member leaves for a BETTER server !!!! I shan't be coming again I be god will i make sure I tell everyone how disgraceful this server is !!! Good Luck in your 5 users ;)
Garrett Ridley
United States

30th Oct 2014
The issue regarding Caolan has been taken care of.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
Garrett do mean taken care of as in he is no more.Best not mess with you guys!
Caolan Smith
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Yes by a inconsiderate, bully like admin... Oh but didn't you call me a disease and other words I'd like not to mention... Wow well this is really a user friendly server !!
Garrett Ridley
United States

30th Oct 2014
There was no bullying done, I'm not going to continue to discuss this issue over the forums. As Dave has stated this kind of discussion isn't what FSopen is about.

I explained everything to you in a orderly and way and you understood the reasoning behind it.

Therefore the matter is closed, no need to keep beating a dead horse.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
yes please stop i have pissed myself laughing again!
Richard Coton
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
To say this forum thread has grown into a disproportionately large mess is a gross understatement.

I would like to add my 2 cents to the thread, but making it brief.

I have Asperger’s Syndrome and that, by its definition means I find social interaction difficult, I am brutally honest (because I cannot physically lie) and I do not understand jokes (Literally, no sense of humour here)

To say my brief opinion, I joined the server just over a year now, and I can say I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here; I have grown through many departments, Drivers, ATC, EUSART, and most recently, EGHC. Reported incidents through EASI, flown with the VA and thoroughly have been involved in all but one department. Due to my attitude in doing what I say and not just saying it, fsxeu promoted me to being the EUSART Chief Officer and I have had relative freedom to do what I like. To my noticeable time on the server, most of the managers do sit themselves in the Managers Meeting Room and set themselves as an Away. For whatever reason, they do do this. Though I myself have bucked the trend, perhaps cause my Asperger’s does mean by side effect I do not have the full confidence to do things on my own by myself, I have sought user opinion on any policy I have implemented in a democratically way, to my knowledge other departments do not seemingly do this, I could be wrong. I would agree with the users in this thread and say that we do have problems, we all do, its natural, we're human, but rather than using aggression and defence tactics as demonstrated by this thread, can we not be civilised and just make a bullet point list of problems so that it can be addressed? I cannot change the server, but if I know what is wrong, I can change my department, specifics are the key.

I would also like to say that the behaviour of fsopen staff, in my opinion has not been ideal either, as I do believe it has escalated the thread unnecessarily rather than calming it.

I would like to suggest a stop on personal attack on Tim Walters when it is indeed Kenneth Brander who makes the final decisions and is the server owner.

Tim does a lot of work for the server and I believe as a community we all appreciate his immense efforts, indeed most of the systems we rely on day-to-day have been handmade by Tim, so I don't think personal gripes are the way to repay him for the work.

Once again, I'm asking for peace on both sides of the pond here, rather than bombing each side, can we just make an island in the middle, meet halfway and discuss this like Gentlemen?

-Kind Regards, R.Coton
EUSART Chief Officer
Dave Wave
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Richard, There is no fsopen staff, just me, it's a lot easier to manage a team of one :)

Richard Coton
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Well, I apologise for that then Dave, at least you have tried to put peace on the table, though the users I mistakenly believed were in the category was:

Gary Stallard
David Bartlam
Chris Pringle
Thomas Bewick

Instead of diffusing matters their various comments I believe to have encouraged further descent into the chaos, but regardless. My invitation of peace to my colleagues and the wronged users still stands.

I would rather not view these users as disgruntled server spoilers but opportunities to improve the server, I can, at the very least, improve my department through user feedback and have done so please, do sit down at the table and keep comments brief and concise. Even if my fellow management will not comment on the situation or vigorously defend their actions, I am at least open for feedback, though do try and keep the emotion tame, I do find raw emotion and civilised debates never seem to match well.
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Hi Richard,

I agree to an extent that personal attacks SHOULD NOT be made on this forum. They are unjust and unfair. But what you must understand is that there are disgruntled people out there that are upset and/or angry at the treatment received my staff of your server. Once removed, contact is usually blocked and there is no other way to get the message across than to access this forum.

I think it's perfectly acceptable to have opinions and I also find it perfectly acceptable to be able to discuss them on what is a public forum. As for the FSOpen "Team", as Dave has said, it is just him. I think that by keeping this thread, he has done the right thing. I personally would remove any rude or aggressive posts because as you rightly say, it isn't fair.

Whilst I can understand your need to speak good of your server, you must understand that other people do not share that same view. I apologise on behalf of those that have been rude on here.

I don't think it is fair to victimise individuals, it's often policy and/or that removes people from servers.

As I have made no secret of, I resepect wholeheartedly the work that Tim has put into the FSXEU session, it is the most informative website out of them all on this list. He would be an asset to any server
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
Hi Richard very interesting comments on your post,the main being who the server owner is,seems very odd to me that throughout the 55 or so posts on this thread there has been no sign of him.It seems to me as if Ken Brander loads the gun and gets poor old Tim to fire it,as you said with your aspergers condition you don't get jokes so did not understand my links,i can assure you it was not a personal attack on Tim,(no offense Tim but those clips are classic)The original post by Colin who is a good friend of mine was about the way he was treated and he does not have any reason to lie or exaggerate what went on but unfortunately Tim was left holding the baby.As David said a few posts back Tim do yourself a favor and start your own server.
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
I said a few posts ago that i would not comment any more, but feel i have to reply to Lukas as he remarked on my post. Lukas are you doing ATC In the server or are you a pilot?
My experience, and it was over several months was that if ever a session was running and ticking along nicely( which was rare) the attention seeking military would come in and try to take over, in that they would not follow ATC Instructions if you didn't comply they would send you pokes which weren't pleasant and one was threatening i,e, bullying, i also saw Caolans comments re- bullying, his words not mine. I listened in on Coalan a few times and he is going to be one of the best ATC's on here. so Lukas not just me that's hacked off by the way I was treated.
As to Richard Coton i did not know like many people that he has Aspergers syndrome,I don't know a great deal about the condition, Is it hereditary? Also i just wondered if Richard and Tim were maybe related.So if anything it seems that there are a few good people on here who have been treated unfairly.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Hello again Colin.

Our logs show you were on the server for five weeks from 18/08/2014 through to 24/09/2014 and not several months as you state.

Our log also shows that 82% or your controlling was between 07:00 and 12:00 UTC - our most quiet times, so it's not surprising you got little traffic.

Data supplied by FSXEU.COM APAMS:
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
Tim, and your point is?
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Tim, I think that the illusive Kenneth is loading your gun again, Correct me if i'm wrong, I don't believe Colin complained about having no traffic. But the repeated intervention of your so called team.
Thomas Bewick
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
It seems your comments above really do make you worthy of your nickname. Charlie Uniform November Tango. out.
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Yawn, Tim you omitted to tell everyone when i last went to the toilet, had a shave, caught a bus, farted, or when i last ate. Stalking comes to mind. could the last sane person out put the lights out please.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Umm. Guys, I was just advertising again.
Colin Pinchbeck
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Oh! One more thing,
Question, how many people from FSEU Does it take to eat a rabbit.
Answer Two, one to eat it and Tim to watch for oncoming traffic.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Better to be safe than sorry...
Thomas Bewick
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Well your heads that far into the dark I'm sure you're always sorry!
Charlie Mciloney
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Colin do me a favour mate... You was banned about a month ago and you are still crying!? Go and get laid you silly little child.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
Tim has Ken got his hand up your back?
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
It seems the offensive crew might have taken over the thread again.

Over and out.
Thomas Bewick
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Charlie, shut up mate. You're nonsensicle drivle isn't apreciated here.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
Charlie, operation Yewtree are looking into your activities!
Charlie Mciloney
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Go and get some sleep kids.
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Before you tell anybody to get "Laid" try puting a sentace togethor correctly.

"You was banned" NO! You we're banned
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
not likely with you on the prowl!
Charlie Mciloney
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
It's could be as simple as follows:

1, If you don't like FSXEU, don't fly with us!
2, If you like to fly with us, but don't like the way things work, we're open to suggestions.
3, Make a post on OUR forum and not fsopen!

I don't think you realize how silly you look, arguing over a FSX server.

Minimal Regards,
Thomas Bewick
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Well Charles old boy I think we've heard enough of you. Time for bed it seems. Night chap, I believe you and Tim have a nightly session with each other?
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
has Ken now got his hand up your back as well as Tim nice but dim
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
It was fairly civilised before you told Colin to get "Laid"

Maybe you should go downstairs and ask your Mum & Dad what it means.
Charlie Mciloney
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Zack, My apologies for my "putting* a sentance* together* skills. Do take a look at your spelling though sir.
Charlie Mciloney
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Apologies Typo, I know you can scribble spelling mistakes out when you use crayons.
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Oh Charlie, I let you loose with a keyboard and a monitor for five minutes and look what you go and do!!!

Let's not get personal on here guys, it's not a good look. As for the whole get laid thing, seriously? And you call him a child? That is absolutely pathetic.

It's got to the point where this has turned from a healthy discussion in difference of opinion to something much me ridiculous.

If this thread is to continue, I think the topic matter should be stuck too, although it just seems like it's all going in circles now and getting more personal with each new thread
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Dyslexic ipad... Something much more *
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
well said David i am running out of Keks ive pissed myself that much
Charlie Mciloney
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Because you're all an absolute joke. You go to FSOpen forums to address an issue that can be resolved with us.

Colin is obviously just holding a grudge because he didn't meet out controller standards. Anyone that is still crying over FSX servers 1 month after being banned clearly has no life.

You then started to get personal by making stupid comments such as "has Ken now got his hand up your back as well as Tim nice but dim"

I'm out now, enjoy your evening. Crack open a beer, maybe order a curry.

G'night Gents.
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Agreed this back and forth is a bit under me now as I get older.
Thomas Bewick
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Crack open a beer? Chap if you're 18 I'll eat my hat!
Again Charlie, good grammar.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
Charlie 18 is the legal drinking age in the UK!
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Charlie, If you read this post through you would see that because Colin has been banned, he can't resolve it through the servers forum.

Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
another classic
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
If the management team had anything about them, the initial post on this group should have been a request for Colin to contact them via email. The fact that members of the FSXEU "management" team have publicly commented on here and became personal goes to show that there are issues in management style.

The approach taken should never have led to this rubbish!!!

As I hold various qualifications in Leadership and Management, including one worth over £5000 to achieve in the UK thanks to my career in the armed forces, I am more than happy to sit and chat with you and your team Charlie, to discuss and help you with dealing with issues like this in the future.
What should have been a simple resolution has spiralled almost to a cringeable level, with responses from FSXEU management actually making me feel sorry for them at times.

Please feel free to email me at if you are interested. With some better training and guidance, your community coulda ave avoided such a public onslaught
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Could have* Please don't pick me up on my grammar :(
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
30th Oct 2014
Ken Tim and Charlie
Gilberto Alunni

30th Oct 2014
All I am seeing here is a bunch of people trying to solve their "opinions" through means of insolent comments.
I have been flying in FSXEU for over a year most likely and I have NEVER been in any issue even though I am the kind of person to talk and swear in "non-comms" channels and enjoy to "socialize" with the guys.
What I don't get from all of this, what are you trying to achieve by posting this on FSopen?
It isn't like FSXEU is 100% bad and they are the cause of everything (not saying that you said that, but you're making it seem like it), yes they do have some things that should/could be fixed and we are free to express our opinions about it.
Just don't do that here in a manner of degrading FSXEU.

WARWOLF02 (Formerly WARWOLF03)
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Take a read through. No one has criticised your server. The people here have issues with personel and policies. There's a massive difference there. Admittedly some things have been saidby people that shouldn't have been said, but unfortunately that's just a combination of things causing that.

I've been watching this thread for a few days now and quite a few people have had a thing or two to say about what I've eluded to above, ive not once seen or heard people criticise and slate the europe server itself, look at my comments, I clearly state they have one of the best websites and the most potential to succeed out of the majority of the servers on Dave's books... As you can see by reading, your staff members have no helped the situation at all and so accountability for things said also lies with them
Chris Pringle
United Kingdom

30th Oct 2014
Seriously can't believe this has been dragged on for 94 posts. Do you see the pattern. You say something negative about fsxeurope and Tim will always have an answer. This probably would go on forever. I personally didn't enjoy the new management when Tim came along just because i felt members were not being appreciated for the amount of hours of time they put in being an ATC on the server. But then again Tim was the one implementing all these random projects to better the server. I was a former admin way back but things changed. It was as if you had to work for the server in order to stay as a top controller or in management. A lot of people left due to this management change. i also heard Keneth had personal issues from a fellow member at this time. But it is dissappointing that after a while you try send a message seeing whether you can come back and fly as the amount of ATC availabale on fsopen has dropped alot but there is no answer. So i hope David you will also be bringing back your server (FSXWorldwide) would be amazing.

Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
31st Oct 2014
Over to you Ken lets get your take on all this
Joe Clifford
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Oh. Dear. Me.

Where have the ‘No Politics Just Flying’ days gone! This post is rather long, however, I would appreciate you take the time to read it in its entirety. The points raised are made sincerely. I do really mean what I say!

I must say that I think it is a real shame that this thread has veered off course and became what it has.

Amid the kerfuffle above, I think, a number of good points have been raised. Leaving the ‘community bashing’ behind I would like to raise the points that I feel are an issue across a number of communities online, not just those orientated around FSX.

The first point I would like to raise is mentioned within Colin’s original post. He mentions that before posting on this the ‘FSOpen forum’ he created a thread on the ‘FSXEU forum’ (although the group is irrelevant in this scenario), and it was deleted. Several entries above mine there is a post that says Colin should have posted on the communities forum not FSOpen’s.

Time and time again I have seen forum posts removed by management without a response purely on the basis that the content of the post may put the group in a bad light. My view is, and always will be, that transparency is the best way to run a group. If someone posts something defamatory and it transpires that it is not true, I suggest that someone of authority within the group responds to the post presenting the facts. If you are unable to prove that the allegations made within the post are not true, then the professional thing to respond with is either an apology followed by the changes you will be making in order to rectify the issue OR a method in which the issue can be raised formally with the management team/individual concerned and an effort be made in order to resolve the issue.

As a third party and prospective new member, I would much rather stumble across a post on a communities forum that shows a professional dialogue between individuals even if it shows the groups shortcomings. This looks far better than a now more disgruntled individual taking to a forum where you as a group have no control over what is posted. This issue could have been resolved internally and even if it didn’t end happily ever after it could have remained civil.

Lukas raises a very good point and one I would wish to discuss further. Sadly, in my experience and during my weekly sweep on numerous community forums it is becoming apparent that management teams are making decisions based on their opinions alone. Decisions, sometimes rather important ones, are made without asking the people within the community (without whom there would be no community). Just because the members of the management team have been using FSX (or whatever game) for a long time, doesn’t mean that they always know best. Decisions must be made based upon what suits the majority of the community best.

Ok, some smaller decisions such as layout of documents, content of a webpage etc. do not require membership input as it’s not really going to affect their overall experience, although it’ll do no harm in asking/giving them an option. However, decisions such as adoption of a new VoIP solution may be a deciding factor for a member if they’re questioning whether to stay or move on.

In the real world, most organisations, when any major decision that will affect the majority of the workforce/membership is being made, the management team submits a proposal. This contains the opinions of the management team and how they feel the organisation should move forward. After submission there is a consultation period within which the members of the organisation can comment on the proposal, say what they like, what they do not like and ways they feel it could be improved. Sometimes the membership will agree with the management, sometimes they won’t, however, the final decision will be made with the views and opinions of the membership in mind.

Not only does this tend to mean that the best solution is put in motion, but it also makes your members feel and know that their opinion is valued and they are partly responsible for the continued success of the group. This, in general, boosts overall moral within the group and it also makes members feel more comfortable in approaching management with ideas or problems that they have.

Sometimes an anonymous feedback system is an useful tool. It enables the member to submit their ideas or issues without having to worry about whether the membership will treat them differently as a result.

Whilst none of us like to have bad things said about us or the thing we have worked so hard to build, there will always be people that have a difference of opinion and also a different way of expressing their opinions or frustration. It is our responsibility as management or members of a staff team to handle these comments professionally. The old saying ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ springs to mind here and it couldn’t be truer.

I have received harsh/undesirable comments in the past about projects I have worked on before and I can say from the personal experience that I know how much it can frustrate you when someone doesn’t like or appreciate something you have worked so so hard on, but you must take it on the chin and resist the urge to retaliate and simply work with them in order to resolve the issue.

Some comments have been made on this thread that in hindsight (the wonderful thing that it is) the user may look back and think ‘oops, what was I thinking’. The one comment, however, I would like to pick up on (then I will shut up I promise) is that by Charlie. Disclaimer: This is not a personal attack!

Charlie mentions – ‘I don't think you realize how silly you look, arguing over a FSX server’. Online communities are, for most, a hobby. For some, however, an online community is a medium in which someone can socialize with like-minded individuals on a daily basis and feel comfortable with themselves. Perhaps in everyday life they are self-conscious or shy and are constantly worried about people making judgments based upon maybe visual appearance, for example.

Because of this, they lack the social skills required when entering the big wide world. I know full well that there are people on FSOpen sessions that have either some learning difficulties, fall onto the autistic spectrum, maybe have insecurities etc. that sadly in everyday life cause them to struggle to “fit in”. An FSX server, to some, is something to look forward to at the end of the day or week.

Learning takes place through out FSX Community TeamSpeak servers and in some cases the lesson isn’t in FSX. I’ve seen members join sessions barely being able to speak English and watch their vocabulary grow as a result of the support and communication from those that speak it fluently. I’ve seen members grow friendships and helped them learn to read!

For some, FSX is more than just a game and I can fully understand why some will respond so passionately. I don’t necessarily feel that anyone within this thread falls within to this category, however, plenty out there do.

Right, I’m going to shut up now. Hopefully you have taken the time to read this post through & maybe the points raised you agree with.


Tim Walters
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Beautifully put Joe, thankyou for bringing back the sanity to this thread.

I would have addressed the issues with Colin on the FSXEU forum but the server owner removed and banned him before I had the opportunity. As you can see from my interaction here, I was willing to explain the reasons behind the ban and have been honest and open with my responses (up until Agustus Barthélemy where, I admit, I did get a little creative!)

It is difficult to hold a reasonable conversation with some of these guys when their arousal level is so high that they feel it necessary to become trolls and slagging people off, thereby killing off any useful discussion.

I encourage our users to post ideas in the FSXEU forum as it allows them to voice their opinions and ideas. I have reminded the other managers that server politics are not to be discussed with users in a 'live' sense and that they should be directed to the forum. By doing this, EVERY user on the server gets an overview AND more importantly, an opportunity to have their say - rather than the small minority trying to force/enforce their views aggressively, thereby resulting in likely bans when their arousal levels effect their decision making. If any subsequent thread becomes dead, then the majority of the community are, seemingly, not overly concerned with the suggestion/criticism.

I will quote an example of the SNAFU Principle here - apologies for the language, it is not my wording:


The Plan

In the beginning was the plan.
And then came the assumptions.
And the assumptions were without form.
And the plan was without substance.
And darkness was upon the face of the workers.
And they spoke among themselves saying,
"It is a crock of shit and it stinketh."

And the workers went unto their supervisors and said,
"It is a pale of dung and none may abide the odor thereof."

And the supervisor went unto their managers and said,
"It is a container of excrement and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it."

And the managers went unto their directors, saying,
"It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide its strength."

And the directors spoke among themselves, saying to one another,
"It contains that which aids plant growth and it is very strong."

And the directors went unto the vice presidents, saying unto them,
"It promotes growth and is very powerful."

And the vice presidents went unto the president, saying unto him,
"The new plan will promote the growth and vigour of the company, with powerful effects."

And the president looked upon the plan and saw that it was good.
And the plan became policy.

This is how shit happens.


I would like to emphasise that this Communication Distortion principal works in both directions - transparency reduces this phenomena somewhat.

Once again Joe, thanks for your highly valued input here.

On a more seasonal note:

Don't succumb to kids coming to your door saying "Trick or treat!". Blackmail is against the law - whatever the age!

David Bartlam
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
100!! Oh yeahhhh
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Haha! - Give yourself a TeamSpeak icon sir!!
Caolan Smith
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Tim I'd like you to remove me from the Automatic Emailing services
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Which ones, we have so many...?
Caolan Smith
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
All of them
Caolan Smith
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Plus Benjamin also wants to get removed
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
I will let him contact me directly.

Active ATC notifications removed sir.

Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
31st Oct 2014
Tim just had a trick or treat kid bang on my door,told him what you had said followed by a swift kick up the arse it worked a treat!
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
May I just add my six eggs here. I must say that I have found the Europe Server a very unpleasant place to fly or setup a ATC. I was very confused some time ago when I setup a tower at EGHI ‘Southampton’. Now let me just inform some of you where Southampton is. Located on the south coast of England. Yes, I said England. Now the educated among you will know that England is part of Europe, agreed.! Well according to the Europe server, I was not allowed to set this airfield up as the server was for European airfields. After a long rant with the site admin, a chap who I recall was named Kenneth, and also claimed to be a Journalist, I decided that this server was not for me. Since leaving and becoming the co-founder of UK317 with the very educated Mr Derek Hasleden, I can see many others have become unhappy with the way the Europe server operates and treats its visitors. Thankfully, Derek has an Atlas and knows what countries make up the European union so everyone is welcome to join us on Wednesday for our weekly fully manned ATC sessions. We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive server with no politics and no stuck up idiots laying down silly rules.
Samuel Saminston
United States

31st Oct 2014
"No politics, just flying" is a call to anarchy. Without proper discussions, such as that shown in these post, FSopen would be a really bad place. Each emotion should be expressed, and unworthy users should not just be left alone due to the fact that there shouldn't be any "politics." I am not siding with anyone on this issue but all I want to say is that order will not be served with such a statement. But hey, if FSopen is supposed to be a small place where only a few people fly, never getting too big, so be it. The motto works just fine. On the other hand, if this server is to beat VATSIM, well, good luck with that.

Flying on VATSIM, Samuel Saminston.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
31st Oct 2014
Seconds out round three ding ding.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
31st Oct 2014
Samuel i have read your post 3 times now and have absolutely no idea what you are talking about,i have had a few so excuse me if its me being a bit thick.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
31st Oct 2014
Hi Matthew that is a new one on me,add my six eggs,I have heard add my two cents but never that one LOL
Chris Pringle
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Haha Matt i remember you telling me this and yes it is true. But i also recall a guy named Kareem that i used to fly on fsx with when gamespy was around before i moved over to fsopen. He was a good controller but couldn't understand how to work out the program in fsopen (pilot assistant/flight strips). There was a bit of a language barrier. Ends up he was banned on Europe and no one helped him. Honestly it was like being a slave worker there. No one was given any appreciation for the time put in and trying to help others to learn. But yeh in comes Mr.Tim who i see in the previous post thinks there should be a flight level 10/20 LOL. I would advise learning about transition altitudes bud. :)
Gilberto Alunni

31st Oct 2014
Matthew Myatt, when was this because I am having a hard time taking that story in a believable perspective,
mostly because of the way your story is.
I doubt that you would get kicked/banned or told for doing ATC in EGHI especially when there was a period that most of the community grew tired of flying in the UK. (which is solved now)
Back to my point, there are several reasons why I say this;

1. You have to apply for ATC first before being able to do ATC on the server.
- Reason for this point being brought up is because you might have been controlling without permission "rank"-wise and that you got kicked straight away or with a proper warning (I don't know the details)

2. You were controlling at a airport that was not on the list at the time of a event and thus breaking the rule that are all explained on FSXEU.
- We have events that happen daily which involves a set of airports in different weather/time conditions that are picked out randomly, you could also request a specific airport as well I believe.

3. You violated a rule in the Codex or did something that you didn't mention that caused you to end up being

If you want to share your eggs you can do so but all I am seeing here is you giving your criticism without any details, you're basically summing up what happened not even telling when it happened and end it up with a bit of advertising.
Normally I would not even reply but its not only you that is saying these kind of things in this thread.

If you have a a issue with the way FSXEU goes, I suggest to go on the FSXEU forums like Tim said earlier and point out what you think should change and how this should be put in effect.
Because everybody can bring up a problem, I myself care for the solutions people provide and not the problem solely itself because that equals as complaining in my eyes.
I am not trying to be rude I just think people need to realize with complaining you are getting nowhere if you only give a complaint.

(sorry for any grammar mistakes)
Gilberto Alunni

31st Oct 2014
Oops forgot this part,

3. You violated a rule in the Codex or did something that you didn't mention that caused you to end up leaving our server.
Caolan Smith
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
Could I add a brief statement on how the servers management think they are amazing well my ban reason changed to Bad Mouthing, NOT democratic... Now I just want to say Tim that Sitting in a meeting room and not talking to user thinking all your ideas are perfect sounds like a Dictatorship so in that case I could get un-banned for being not democratic but a dictator, Not that I want to be un-banned in any way xD It did give me laugh that you actually had the strength to say that xD After all this scandal that's happening with your server... Not looking promising... Well Goodbye and My final words to you and this forum will be "Have fun with a bunch of 5 year olds + And cocky admins"
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

31st Oct 2014
I'm starting to see a trend here...
Garrett Ridley
United States

1st Nov 2014
The amount of drama that arises over a video game is just unreal, step outside and experience the real world for a change.

Come on and fly, and have some fun, not a hard concept.
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

1st Nov 2014
I agree with David. Check this out guys

Tim Walters
United Kingdom

1st Nov 2014
Sorry guys, I was enjoying a highly entertaining session on FSXEU.

As nothing new is being said here I won't bother replying to these 'statements'.

Thread seems to be going in circles. Make left orbit at FL0 continue until further notice............
Benjamin Selmani

2nd Nov 2014
Caolan Smith sir please dont talk for other people i didnt say that i want to leave.One member on teamspeak posted ip and i joined the other teamspeak to see what is going on,thats all i will not leave FSXEU

Im enjoying the time on FSXEU.
I was watching this topic and i dont like to speak about others but to be sincerely FSXEU is the most completed server in fsopen and the best one, that is the reason haters are continuing posting here only to get the chance to be back on the server or only to put FSXEU Down.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Selmani
Benjamin Selmani

2nd Nov 2014
And i forgot something to say before joining this server on February 2013 guys i can say i didnt now anything about flying online and doing atc all the things.

The reason i learned everything was because this server was ready to help i joined before fsxeu vatsim i joined some other fsopen no of them was there to help you out.

A new pilot that joins another server going to their website im sure he will not able to now where and what to do and this was able on fsxeu because i saw a oriented website i was a noob but joined teamspeak and got the help i needed and now im a regular pilot i learned every procedure there, i am officialy approved ATC.

Not like the on the other server where you see atc that have no experience , every ATC on FSXEU makes the real life procedure to make the server as real as we can.

Im happy being on this great Server
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014
I refer Master Gilberto Alunni, to the post a few below mine where my point and statement was not only endorsed but corroborated by Mr Chris Pringle.
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014
Just one final point, On the UK317 server, which can be found often towards the top of the FSOPEN server list - we offer on Wednesday, our weekly fully manned ATC sessions. We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive server at UK317, with no politics and no silly stuck up idiots laying down silly rules. So once again thats UK317, Wednesday nights. Look forward to seeing some of you there on UK317... On Wednesday evenings. Best Wishes Matthew, from UK317.
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014
Did I mention that we have fully manned ATC sessions on Wednesday evenings..?? Thats on UK317.
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014
While I am on a roll with this great advertising page can I just throw these two YouTube videos in as others seem to be posting YouTube stuff here and its a great way to give my flying school some advertsing and its about flying. Sadly its in the real world though.
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014

Tim Walters
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014
Did I mention that we have ATC sessions on ALL evenings..?? Thats on FSXEU.COM
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
3rd Nov 2014
Zack Iddo
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014
FSXMultiplay are also good. They have a lot of events on nearly every evening.
David Bartlam
United Kingdom

3rd Nov 2014
Is this thread still going?!?!?
Curley Campbell
United States
3rd Nov 2014
Well.. I too thought this topic had died. So... without invitation.. and having ran a MP server for over 5 years. The BOTTOM LINE... like it not.. published or not... EVERY session will have it's particular rules.

Mine are simple:

MY commitment to you is to provide everyone an enjoyable flight experience.
To achieve this commitment, there are session requirements and rules.

To help you understand some of this, I suggest your re-read FAQ section above.
It is your responsibility to understand the Rules/Requirements.

Bottom line ..... This is NOT a democracy... Rules are Strictly enforced. IF, you choose to will lose.

Most COMMON reasons for being ejected from the session.

- Abuse of session rules.

Age: must be 16 yrs or older.
Failure to Log into TeamSpeak Server
Not Using AI Carrier2 program
Incorrect aircraft used.
Low level flyover of carrier area.
Interfering with other players flight.
Stunt flying.
Use of "air show" smoke.
Use of "drivable" carrier.
Using session for "free flight".
Abuse of Mic
Other behavior displayed in session.
Unauthorized use of weapons.

- Failure to respond/comply to hosts verbal/chat box warnings.
- GameSpy glitch that says host has canceled the session.
- Host accidentally ejected wrong nick. (nothing personal... it can happen.)
There are quite a number of flyers.. that dislike me and hate my rules... that IS their right. As Session Host.. I also have my rights.... and.. I tightly enforce these necessary rules.

Do I take suggestions... certainly. However, The object is to find a balance that works for the majority of the people that regularly fly in the session.
(No comments necessary as this is an assumption on my part):
I'm sure even UK371 or any other ATC server would NOT take kindly of 3 or 4 12yr olds... coming in the session... in Blue Angel F-18's and blowing smoke all over the active runway. Sometimes... a Session Host (or his/her admins) have to take actions they don't like... as in asking these guys to "knock it off", leave the session, or eject/ban as necessary.

That IS the real world of hosting a MP session. IF one does NOT like a particular session... they can just change channels.. and move on. AS it has been stated many times above.... Start your own session... and put up with expense and hassle for yourself. Believe me... you will quickly find yourself making up your own rules... and some may not like that... and you will quickly find out how much S%%%% we as host put up with daily.

So appreciate the sessions available for your particular taste.. or start your own.
Lukas Smith

4th Nov 2014
lol ^^
Lukas Smith

4th Nov 2014
Colin go nuke yourself :D
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
4th Nov 2014
I thought half term had finished Lukas are you playing Truant again?It's a no wonder your such a Thicko!
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

4th Nov 2014
Did I mention that UK317.. No I won't do it again. ;-)
Matthew Myatt
United Kingdom

4th Nov 2014
Curley Campbell "Unauthorized use of weapons." Love it.!
Curley Campbell
United States
4th Nov 2014
Yep, Matthew.... we DO use aircraft in MP that have weapons and we can actually shoot each other down... sink ships, destroy SAM sites (if they don't get us 1st), etc.
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
4th Nov 2014
Dave please close this thread the loonatics have taken over the asylum
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

4th Nov 2014
Lunatics have rights also. They ARE human.
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

4th Nov 2014
...and, so often, forum trolls...
Gary Stallard
United Kingdom
4th Nov 2014
Tim you need some stronger medication or a good woman!
Tim Walters
United Kingdom

4th Nov 2014
Both have nasty side effects...

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